Your Optimal Financial Performance
We work across specialties, our areas of expertise include:
Streamlining Revenue Collection and Accuracy
Premier Billing Services
Ensuring timely reimbursement is crucial for your practice. Our certified experts specialize in efficient revenue cycle management, handling timely filing, payments, and follow-ups on rejections or underpayments. Say goodbye to costly in-house billers or giving up a percentage of insurance revenue. We streamline your revenue cycle, reducing accounts receivable and overhead costs effortlessly.

Maximizing Revenue and Compliance
Premium Coding & Auditing
Maximize reimbursement and compliance with our premium coding and auditing services. Our certified coding team meticulously reviews your documentation, ensuring compliance and maximizing reimbursement from all payers. Let our consultative medical and dental coders work for you, ensuring accuracy and compliance every step of the way.
Simplifying Provider Participation
Effortless Credentialing
Our premier credentialing services offer hassle-free insurance plan enrollment with unlimited contract submissions. We maintain accurate provider data, monitor essential credentials, and seamlessly integrate with key databases. With our comprehensive features, providers can trust their credentialing needs are efficiently handled, allowing them to prioritize patient care with ease.

Empowering Remote Practice Management
Virtual Office Manager
Virtual office manager services allow you to manage your practice remotely for a fraction of the cost. Virtual office managers can run your Myriad Health system for you, or even outside systems. Confirm patient appointments, follow up on prospective patients, ensure completion of documents, run payments, manage payment plans, prior authorizations and much more!
Your Virtual Office Manager can work alongside your certified Medbill Billing team or act as a stand alone.